1) What tags make up the basic structure of an HTML document?
The basic tags used are
<!-- In the header you can also include internal stylesheets.-->
<!-- The title you give to your page will show in the title bar of the browser, it is important to give a descriptive name, as most search engines use this information too. -->
<!-- The body section is where most of your content will be, popular tags are <h1> for a header, and <p> for a new paragraph. -->
2) What tags do you use to denote a paragraph?
<p> </p>
Although closing the <p> is optional.
3) What is the difference between a paragraph tag and a line break tag? Please illustrate.
A paragraph tag
<p>creates a
double space between lines.</p>
Where as a line break tag
<br>Can be used when you don't want
that double space between your lines.
4) How do you create a bulleted list?
To create a bulleted list you use the <ul> unnumbered list and <li> list item tags.
- <ul>
- <li> List something here
- <li> and here..
- <li> and here!
5) How do you create a numbered list?
To create a numbered list you used the <ol> ordered list and <li> list item tags.
- <ol>
- <li> You can number your lists
- <li> just by using a simple tag.
6) There is a title information that appears for Web pages in the title bar of a Web browser, in your bookmarks when you choose to bookmark a site, and as a listing in the search results when you do a search for information using a search enging like Google. How do you provide this very important information in your HTML code? Please show an example.
You put this information in your <title> tag, which you place in the <head> of your html document.
<title> Put your web page title here. Please be descriptive. </title>
7) How do you add an image?
To add an image to your HTML document, use the <img src="your image.jpg"> tag.
For faster loading, it is also a good idea to include height= and width= (matching the height and width of your image) in the img src tag as follows <img src="your image.jpg" height=200 width=75 >
8) How do you add a link?
You add a link using the <a href="yourpagehere.html"> tag, then you type what you would like displayed as linked text (for example if your link pointed to Curtin, you may type somthing like this - Curtin University of Technology and close the link with the </a> tag.
9)How do you make an image a link?
To link with an image, you use the <a href="yourpagehere.html"> tag and follow it with the <img src="yourimage.jpg"> tag, closing off with the </a> tag.
10) Provide the code for an empty table, 3 columns long and 4 rows high.
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
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