1) How do you provide invisible information on a Web page that allows you to only provide messages for people who read your HTML code?
You put it in <!-- these --> comment tags.. anything you write inbetween will only be shown in your HTML code.
2) How can you make your text appear on a Web browser exactly as you typed it in your HTML code?
You can use the <pre> for preformatted text.
You can try
some weird
3) How can you provide additional information in HTML in the form of a small pop up message that is otherwise not apparent if you don't roll your mouse over it?
You use the <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language" > This page was written with HTML </abbr>
Or you can use the alt="Your description here " tag for an image or link.
<img src="yourimage.jpg" alt="your description">
4) How can you create a hypertext link that will allow you to link to a specific part of the same page?
You use the anchor tag.
<a href="#Q7">Go to Question 7. </a>
and on Question 7 I would surround the 7) with these tags -
< a name="Q7"> 7) </a>
5) If you were to create an empty table of two rows by two columns, what do you need to do to it to show the borders around each empty cell?
In the table tag I would add the following attribute - border="border value"
<table border="3">
6) How do you turn an image into a hypertext link? How do you influence whether or not such an image has a border?
To link with an image, you use the <a href="yourpagehere.html"> tag and follow it with the <img src="yourimage.jpg"> tag, closing off with the </a> tag.
To control a linked images border properties you add the border="border width" attribute to your <img src > tag.
<img border="3" src="yourimage.jpg" height="136" width="100"> </a>
7) How do you change the colors of your hypertext links? How do you change the background color?
To change the colour of a hypertext link, add the link="any color" attribute to the
<body> body tag.
<body link="green">
To change the background colour of a page, add the bgcolor="any color" background colour attribute to the <body> tag.
< body bgcolor="navy">
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